Monday, August 24, 2020

Intangible Assets †Woolworths limited Essay

Elusive Assets: An elusive resource, regardless of not having a physical structure to it, has incredible incentive to an organization and is to be uncovered in the money related reports. A few organizations just uncover the brand and altruism as their solitary elusive resources, while others incorporate all the more, for example, programming and the organization trademarks (Loftus et al. 2012). The Accounting Standard AASB 138 instructs organizations on the bookkeeping treatment with respect to these impalpable resources, yet just if the particular measures have been met for an advantage for be perceived as immaterial. An immaterial resource must incorporate three qualities: Recognizable: A benefit needs to meet one of the accompanying so as to be viewed as recognizable. It must be distinguishable, with the goal that it is unmistakable to be not the same as generosity. This implies it is equipped for being sold, authorized, leased, moved or traded, coming about with partition from the business. Or on the other hand it needs to emerge from authoritative or other lawful rights, regardless of whether it is distinguishable or not (AASB 2010). Non-money related in nature: The benefit must be non-financial. This trademark is required with the goal that receivables are not considered as an impalpable resource by organizations in light of the fact that the cash has been perceived however not got at this point (Loftus et al. 2012). Absence of physical substance: This is required with the goal that substantial resources of property, plant and hardware are not being perceived as an immaterial resource (Loftus et al. 2012). Additionally, an advantage is carefully possibly perceived as elusive on the off chance that it meets both of the accompanying in the acknowledgment rules: (an) It is plausible that the normal future monetary advantages that are inferable from the benefit will stream to the substance; and (b) The expense of the advantage can be estimated dependably (AASB 2010) Classes of elusive resources: A class is a gathering of immaterial resources that are of comparative nature. A few instances of classes incorporate Brand names, Computer programming or Licenses and Franchises, just to give some examples. Consistence with Accounting Standards: There is a lot of unveiling decides that has been set out for Woolworths to apply to their revealing of immaterial resources. It is expressed in AASB 138 that for each class of immaterial resources, the accompanying will be unveiled by a business: On the off chance that the helpful existences of the advantage is either uncertain or limited and the valuable lives or amortization rates on the off chance that it is limited; Woolworths have plainly expressed in their yearly report a depiction on whether the valuable existence of each class is uncertain or limited. 4 out of 5 classes (barring altruism as it was accounted for independently from different intangibles) were expressed as resources with an inconclusive helpful life, so no amortization was charged (Woolworths Limited 2012). The technique utilized for amortization on elusive resources with limited helpful lives; The innovative work class of elusive resources for Woolworths had expressed that any spending on advancement exercises where their exploration results are applied to an improvement for another or improved item is to be promoted if the arrangement is considered to be monetarily conceivable, and the business has adequate assets to finish it. It is clarified this promoted consumption is communicated as cost less collected amortization and impedance misfortunes (Woolworths Limited 2012), anyway no particular amortization rates were characterized. The gross conveying sum and any collected amortization and hindrance misfortunes toward the start and end of the period; The line item(s) of the announcement of thorough pay where any amortization of immaterial resources is incorporated; A compromise of the conveying sum at the beginningâ and end of the period (AASB 138); Woolworths Limited gave a compromise of developments in Intangibles (Appendix 1) from 2011 to 2012 in their 2012 money related report to investors (Woolworths Limited 2012). The report was given each class of impalpable resource isolated into their own headings with their own sums composed under it before the aggregate sum of intangibles. This made the measures of amortization and debilitation progressively conspicuous from where it had emerged. This compromise gave a conveying sum toward the start and end of the period as mentioned by the Standards. Additionally included were the options emerging from procurement of organizations, different acquisitions and removals that were required to be appeared in the compromise. 2011 ($M) 2012 ($M) Conveying sum at end of period $5236.6 $5282.0 (Woolworths Limited 2012) Woolworths had applied the important Accounting Standards, AASB 138, towards the treatment of their impalpable resources and revelation of them well overall. Their immaterial resources introduced in the reports were detachable, non money related in nature and didn’t have physical substance. Woolworths could have clarified the amortization rates utilized for their immaterial resources, however that was the main restricted data gave by Woolworths constrained. The exposure rules were applied into their budgetary reports, indicating that Woolworths Limited’s treatment on their elusive resources fit in with the important bookkeeping guidelines. Suggestions: The rules in the AASB 138 appear to as of now cause organizations to investigate their elusive resources seriously and uncover all of it in their money related reports. An improvement could be to state in the rules which sort of report and where in the report that this data ought to beâ disclosed so clients can approach all the data in one abandon looking through numerous documents to discover certain data about a company’s impalpable resources. AASB 2010, AASB 138 †Intangible Assets, Available on: [25 September 2013] Loftus, J, Leo, K, Picker, R, Wise, V, Clark, K 2012, Understanding Australian Accounting Standards, Wiley, QLD Woolworths Limited 2012, 2012 Financial Report for Shareholders Reference sections Reference section 1:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hawksbill Sea Turtle Facts

Hawksbill Sea Turtle Facts The hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate) has a lovely carapace, which made this turtle be pursued almost to elimination. Here you can find out about the regular history of this species.â Hawksbill Turtle Identification The hawksbill turtle develops to lengths of 3.5 feet long and loads of as much as 180 pounds. Hawksbill turtles were named for the state of their bill, which seems to be like the snout of a raptor. The hawksbill was prized for its shell, which was utilized in brushes, brushes, fans and even furnishings. In Japan, hawksbill shell is alluded to as bekko. Presently the hawksbill is recorded under Appendix I in CITES, which implies that exchange for business reasons for existing is prohibited. Notwithstanding its delightful shell and hawklike mouth, other distinguishing highlights of the hawksbill turtle incorporate covering scutes, and 4 sidelong scutes on each side of its carapace, a thin, pointed head, and two noticeable paws on their flippers.â Order Realm: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: ReptiliaOrder: TestudinesFamily: CheloniidaeGenus: EretmochelysSpecies: imbricate Living space and Distribution Hawksbill turtles involve an enormous range that extends all through everything except the universes coldest waters. They travel several miles among taking care of and settling grounds. Major settling grounds are in the Indian Ocean (e.g., Seychelles, Oman), Caribbean (e.g., Cuba, Mexico), Australia, and Indonesia. Hawsbillsâ forage aroundâ coral reefs,â seagrass beds, nearâ mangrovesâ and in sloppy tidal ponds. Taking care of An investigation by Dr. Anne Meylan of the Florida Marine Research Institute demonstrated that 95% of a hawksbills diet is comprised of wipes (read increasingly about hawksbill diet). In the Caribbean, these turtles feed on in excess of 300 wipe species. This is an intriguing food decision - wipes have a skeleton made of needle-formed spicules (made of silica, which is glass, calcium or protein), which basically implies, as James R. Spotila said in his book Sea Turtles, a hawkbills stomach is loaded up with little glass shards. Multiplication Female hawksbills home on sea shores, regularly under trees and other vegetation. They lay around 130 eggs one after another, and this procedure takes 1-1.5 hours. They will return out to the ocean for 13-16 days before laying another home. Hatchlings gauge .5 ounce when they bring forth, and afterward spend their initial 1-3 years adrift, where they may live on piles of Sargassum. During this time they eat green growth, barnacles, fish eggs, tunicates and shellfish. At the point when they arrive at 8-15 inches, they draw nearer to shore, where they eat principally wipes as they become bigger. Preservation Hawksbill turtles are recorded as basically imperiled on the IUCN Redlist. The rundown of dangers to hawsbills is like that of the other 6 turtle species. They are compromised by reaping (for their shell, meat and eggs), in spite of the fact that exchange bans appear to support the populace. Different dangers incorporate natural surroundings annihilation, contamination, and bycatch in angling gear. Sources Refers to. Status of Trade in Hawksbill Turtles (Online). Refers to Web Site. Gotten to February 20, 2011, as of August 2015, no longer accessible.Mortimer, J.A Donnelly, M. 2008. Eretmochelys imbricata (Online) IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Adaptation 2010.4. Gotten to on February 20, 2011.NOAA Fisheries. Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). Gotten to August 10, 2015.Spotila, James R. Ocean Turtles: A Complete Guide to Their Biology, Behavior and Conservation 2004. The Johns Hopkins University The Atlantic Green Turtle (Online). Gotten to February 16, 2011.Waller, Geoffrey, ed. SeaLife: A Complete Guide to the Marine Environment. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C. 1996.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Investment Banking Job Guide Definition, Roles, Tasks, and How to Enter into this Lucrative Career

Investment Banking Job Guide Definition, Roles, Tasks, and How to Enter into this Lucrative Career D? ??u ?nj?? following the financial markets, wh?th?r r??ding th? Financial Tim??, w?t?hing Bl??mb?rg or ?h??king ?t??k prices on the int?rn?t? Do ??u want to ??rn g??d m?n??? If ??, you may find a ??r??r in inv??tm?nt banking ?????ling.When it ??m?? to ?x?iting ??r??r?, investment b?nking h?? got it ?ll: money, ?t?tu?, ??w?r, ?dr?n?lin? and ri?k.However, a ??r??r in inv??tm?nt b?nking does n?t ?lw??? reward ?x??rti?? and h?rd w?rk with consistent success. It i? a journey full ?f u?? ?nd downs, high? ?nd lows.So b?f?r? you make th? d??i?i?n to embark ?n the path towards b???ming a ?u?????ful inv??tm?nt banker, ??u ?h?uld fir?tl? di???v?r what inv??tm?nt b?nking i? r??ll? ?ll about.WH?T I? ?N INV??TM?NT B?NK? First ?f all, ?n inv??tm?nt b?nk i? n?thing lik? ??ur l???l high ?tr??t br?n?h. Y?u ??nn?t ?im?l? withdraw a t?nn?r fr?m it ?r d????it a cheque. An inv??tm?nt b?nk i? a specialist financial in?tituti?n th?t ?r?d?min?ntl? d??l? in ?t??k?, ?h?r?? ?nd b?nd?.Th??? ??m??ni?? ????nti?l l? consist ?f tw? di?tin?t sections: ???it?l markets ?nd ??r??r?t? fin?n??. Th? capital m?rk?t? division ??tiv?l? tr?d?? b?nd?, ?t??k? ?nd ?th?r ????t? ?n b?h?lf ?f w??lth? individu?l?, ??m??ni??, ?r f?r the inv??tm?nt b?nk it??lf. This i? th? ?r???tiv?, f??t d??i?i?n-m?king, bu?ing and ??lling ?id? ?f th? ??m??n?.Corporate fin?n?? divi?i?n? ?dvi?? ??m??ni?? ?n h?w t? ?x??nd their bu?in????? ?nd r?i?? th?ir ???it?l by h?l?ing them t? di?tribut? shares ?nd bonds.Th?? also provide ?dvi?? and ???i?t?n?? on ??r??r?t? m?rg?r? ?nd ???ui?iti?n?. Thi? is th? consultative ?id? ?f inv??tm?nt b?nking and f??u??? ?n ?r?viding th? m??t ?ffi?i?nt ?nd lu?r?tiv? ?dvi??r? ??rvi?? possible t? ?th?r ??m??ni??.Investment banks ?r? widely f?m?d for ?r?viding th?ir ?m?l????? with a h?nd??m? wage, and the starting salary f?r a ??r??r within one of th? world’s bigg??t inv??tm?nt b?nk?, ?u?h ?? G?ldm?n Sachs, Citigr?u? and UBS, i? lik?l? t? b? ?n? ?f th? m??t ??m??titiv? around.WH?T I? INV??TM?NT B?NKING? Inv??tm?nt b?nking is essentially ?ll about making m?n??. Big m?n??! Inv??tm?nt bankers buy and sell fin?n?i?l in?trum?nt? (?n? type ?f ????t t? b? bought ?r ??ld) on th? fin?n?i?l m?rk?t? ?n b?h?lf ?f th?ir clients, ?? well ?? f?r th?m??lv?? (on th? ?r??ri?t?r? d??k?).Thi? r??ll? i? ?n? ?f th? premier areas of th? b?nking and fin?n?? world; it ?ff?r? the ????rtunit? to ??rn mage salaries, ?nd ?ttr??t? ??m? ?f th? world’s keenest fin?n?i?l mind?.S? h?w d??? the inv??tm?nt b?nking scene w?rk? Well, it’s ?ll ?b?ut th? m?king the most of th? fin?n?i?l m?rk?t?; bu?ing ?nd selling th? ????t? ?n ?ff?r ?r th?t ??u own at th? right tim? t? g?t th? b??t return on inv??tm?nt (ROI, i.?. th? m?n?? ??u g?t b??k from what ??u initi?ll? ?ut in).Bu?in????? ?nd individuals th? world over ??rti?i??t? in the financial m?rk?t?. In f??t, anyone ??n tr?d? ?n th? financial markets â€" the trick is t? b? ?l?v?r ?nd m?k? tr?n???ti?n? ?t the right tim? ?nd at th? right place in order t? see th? best r?tu rn? on inv??tm?nt?.Literally milli?n? ?f tr?n???ti?n? t?k? ?l??? ?v?r? d??!Investment banks ?l?? h?v? ?rmi?? of r????r?h?r? ?nd analysts t? monitor ????t ??rf?rm?n?? of th? m?rk?t? ?l???l? ?nd ?niff ?ut ??t?nti?l n?w investment ????rtuniti??.A? ??u ??n ?r?b?bl? im?gin?, it’? a r?th?r ??m?l?x industry. In essence it’? ‘Bu?, bu?! S?ll, sell!’, but in practice ?x??rt? in this fi?ld h?v? t? ??????? ?tr?ng kn?wl?dg? ?f th? m?rk?t? in which they are w?rking tr?d??, th? specifications ?f th?ir client, ?n ability t? ?n?l??? a l?t ?f ??m?l?x (?ft?n num?ri??l) inf?rm?ti?n AND identify ?nd ?????? ri?k? b?f?r? they m?k? ?n? ??rt ?f m?v?.D??i?i?n? to bu? ?r sell an asset must b? w?ll inf?rm?d, ?nd guid?d by a th?r?ugh r????r?h ?tr?t?g?.Th? m??t w?ll-kn?wn j?b t???? in this industry are ?r?b?bl? th? traders and stockbrokers. But it’s not ju?t th? ????l? ?n th? tr?ding floor ?nd front ?ffi?? staff wh? t?k? th? gl?r? f?r m?king thi? indu?tr? work; th?r?’? a hug? n?tw?rk ?f back office ? t?ff wh? ?r????? transactions ?ft?r th?? h?v? been made ?nd m?k? ?ur? ?v?r?thing runs through smoothly, n?t t? m?nti?n th? indispensable professionals in areas ?u?h as HR, technology ?nd m?rk?ting wh? hold the b?nk together on an ???r?ti?n?l l?v?l!Inv??tm?nt b?nk?r? aren’t ?fr?id t? b? b?ld ?nd make quick decisions und?r ?r???ur? ?n wh?n t? ??un?? ?nd buy or ??ll, or when it’s b??t t? r?t?in an ????t, but a well-developed risk strategy i? ??ntr?l t? ?u?????. Th? m?j?rit? ?f r?l?? in this indu?tr? hold a good d??l ?f r????n?ibilit? from ?n ??rl? stage.Gr?du?t?? ?r? ?x???t?d t? get ?tu?k in! Th? ???ing g??? that m?n?? never sleeps, ?nd th?r? ?r? certainly ??m? l?ng hours and ?hift? inv?lv?d in thi? ?r??!But th? l?ng h?ur? and r????n?ibilit? ?r? r?w?rd?d with ??m? ??ri?u?l? g??d ??l?ri??…gr?du?t?? who ?nt?r inv??tm?nt b?nking earn th? high??t average salaries of all th? indu?tri?? â€" even m?r? than tr?in?? ??li?it?r?!Ex?m?l?Wh?n a company ?l?n? t? raise ???it?l fund? b? i??uing n?w ?h?r?? of ?t??k, inv??tm?nt b?nk?r? t?k? on the r?l? ?f int?rm?di?r? between th? ??m??n? ?nd th? inv??t?r? wh? may w?nt t? buy th? stock.Thi? ?r????? i? ??ll?d und?rwriting ?nd i? u?u?ll? ??rri?d out b? several inv??tm?nt b?nk?r? wh? ?r? ?m?l???d by ?nd w?rk ?? ?g?nt? for ?n inv??tm?nt b?nk participating in ?n und?rwriting syndicate.T? illu?tr?t?, ?u????? ??m??n? XYZ n??d? t? raise extra capital f?r th?ir ???r?ti?n?. Th?? d??id? to i??u? a new lin? of ?t??k ??ll?d XYZ Pr?mium Shares. C?m??n? XYZ subsequently solicits ?n inv??tm?nt b?nk wh??? employees m?rk?t th? n?w ?h?r?? ?f ?t??k t? ?xi?ting clients ?nd other ?r?????tiv? investors.Additi?n?ll?, th??? investment b?nk?r? will ?ft?n ??li?it other investment banks t? ??rti?i??t? in the d??l in order t? f?rm the und?rwriting ??ndi??t?.In ??lling th? new ?h?r?? ?f stock, th? investment bankers ?r? helping ??m??n? XYZ to ?????? th? capital markets and th?r?b? r?i?? th? ???it?l fund? it int?nd?d to r?i?? b? i??uing th? new ?t??k.Wh? ? r? inv??tm?nt bankers important?Quit? ?im?l?, trading k???? ?v?r?thing working across th? w?rld. It’s ?n indi???n??bl? part ?f the w?rld ???n?m?. N?t just ??m??ni??, but countries d???nd on trade for the ??mm?diti?? ?nd ???it?l th?? n??d to succeed.C?untri?? are n?t ?bl? to produce ?ll of th? r???ur??? and materials th?? need ?nd d??ir? th?m??lv??, f?r ?x?m?l? rice ?r oil, ?nd there needs t? b? ??m? w?? th?t ?ll?w? them to ?bt?in th??? thing?.Su??l? ?nd d?m?nd i? wh?t drives th? w?rld ???n?m?; inv??tm?nt b?nk? f??ilit?t? thi? and help ??m??ni?? t? make the m??t ?f th?ir assets ?n the fin?n?i?l m?rk?t?.H?ving a ??r??r in inv??tm?nt banking m?k?? ??u that im??rt?nt.WHAT ?KILL? DO INVESTMENT BANKERS N??D?H?w?v?r, with gr??t reward ??m?? gr??t r????n?ibilit?. A ??r??r in investment banking ?ll?w? ??u t? ?l?? ?n incredibly im??rt?nt r?l? in ???i?t?, ?? th? w?rld’? most influ?nti?l ?rg?ni??ti?n? will ultim?t?l? be d???nd?nt ?n ??ur ?x??rti??.Inv??tm?nt banking careers ?r? ideally ?uit ?d t? ????l? with ?ndl??? ?nthu?i??m, hug? ?mbiti?n, ?n unbeatable w?rk ?thi? and the ?bilit? t? h?ndl? imm?n?? ?r???ur?.Th? lif??t?l?, ?t?tu? ?nd money can b? f?nt??ti?, but in ?rd?r t? thrive ?nd survive in such a ??m??titiv? indu?tr? it is ????nti?l t? ??n?i?t?ntl? ??rf?rm ?t th? top ?f your g?m?.B?l?w is a list of th? ?kill? th?t ?n inv??tm?nt b?nk?r n??d? f?r a successful ??r??r.1. Interesting ??r??n?lit?Imagine ??u w?lk int? th? room f?r ??ur inv??tm?nt b?nking interview. You ??? a ??ni?r inv??tm?nt b?nk?r.Dr????d u?, suit ?nd ti?, ??ri?u? im?r???i?n, ??ur CV on th? t?bl?.Wh?t d? you think h? w?nd?r? ?t th?t ??rti?ul?r m?m?nt? And h?w d??? h? evaluate ??u?D??? h? wonder if ??u are ?m?rt? Pr?b?bl?. If ??u w?uld b? ?bl? t? put in l?ng hours? M??b? th?t t??. But the b??i? question any interviewer f???? i? “Do I want t? get a b??r with thi? gu??” He wonders if h? ??n have a ??nv?r??ti?n with ??u ?ut?id? w?rk. He thinks if h? w?uld b? ?bl? t? ???nd 8 hours with you being ?tu?k ?t the airport.This is th? single m??t important test ??u will f???. Y?ur ?r?d?nti?l?, your education, your int?rn?hi?? â€" ?ll th?t w?n’t m?tt?r if ??u f?il wh?t i? commonly r?f?rr?d t? ?? th? “?ir??rt t??t”. If ??ur interviewer w?uldn’t w?nt t? be stuck with ??u ?t th? ?ir??rt â€" ??u h?v? ?lr??d? f?il?d ?t ??ur ???li??ti?n.H?w t? demonstrate in ??ur r??um?:   student clubs, v?lunt??r work, ???rt teams. An?thing int?r??ting you’ve d?n? ?ut?id? w?rk. And when I say int?r??ting I d?n’t mean reading ?r movies. Your extra curriculars ?nd h?bbi?? ?h?uld be captivating. They should b? th?ught-?r?v?king. And th?? ?h?uld di?tingui?h ??u ?ut of th? ?r?wd. On? ?f th? last int?rn?hi?? ?l????? ?f Bank ?f America did n?t h?v? any ????l? with int?r??t in ?????r, but quite a f?w ?r??ti?ing rugb?, ??iling and ?v?n ??n?? ??l?.H?w t? d?m?n?tr?t? in th? interview: d?n’t b? b?ring. As simple ?? that. If ??u h?v? an opportunity â€" t?lk about you experiences or int?r??t? th?t ??n help ? ?u to stand ?ut of th? ?r?wd. Climbing Kilim?nj?r?, travelling around th? w?rld, ???king best It?li?n tir?mi?u or ?l??ing ping ??ng. Whatever works.2. Att?nti?n to d?t?ilA must. Y?u should b? ?bl? to critically l??k over your work and ???t th? smallest in??n?i?t?n?i?? and f?rm?tting mi?t?k??. M?rgin? on th? right a bit smaller th?n ?n th? left? Diff?r?nt font ?iz? in slide 34 ?nd 58? Unreasonable tr?nd in th? gr??h? V?lu?ti?n numb?r? n?t in lin? with the indu?tr??How to d?m?n?tr?t? in ??ur resume: highlight ?n? research w?rk ?r assignments (both in univ?r?it? and ??ur job) that required ?tt?nti?n t? d?t?il. An?l??ing financial ?t?t?m?nt? of th? companies, writing indu?tr? reports, going through d?t? t? d?riv? tr?nd? / f?r????t? etc.H?w to d?m?n?tr?t? in th? interview: don’t rush with your ?n?w?r?. T?k? ??m? tim? t? ?l??rl? think ?b?ut the t??k. A?k ?u??ti?n?. P?? ?tt?nti?n to th? smallest d?t?il?. Carefully ?nd ??n?i?t?ntl? build u? ??ur ?n?w?r.3. Problem solving ?nd ?n?l?ti??l sk illsIn ?n inv??tm?nt banking job, you will b? ??k?d a l?t ?f ??m?li??t?d questions as th? j?b h?? a l?t t? do with numb?r? and ??l?ul?ti?n?. T? answer these questions, ??u n??d t? ??? ?v?r? ?ngl? of th? ???n?ri?.N?t all ????l? ??n accomplish thi?.Wh??B???u?? n?t ?v?r??n? h?? ?n?ugh ?n?l?ti??l skills.Analytical skills are ?ru?i?l t? break d?wn clients’ ?r?bl?m? ?r creating diff?r?nt fin?n?i?l models ?? you’ll need to b? ?bl? to analyse tr?nd?, ?ui?kl? ?run?h numbers, ??l?ul?t? m?rgin? and ??r??nt?g??, understand wh?t implications ??ur ?n?l??i? h?? f?r ??m??n?’? ??rf?rm?n??.How t? demonstrate in ??ur r??um?: if ??u h?v? a ?h?n?? â€" show how your ?du??ti?n i? r?l?t?d t? numbers. M?th, ????hi?? or ?ngin??ring degree ?ut?m?ti??ll? ?ut? ??u in a b??k?t ?f ???li??nt? with “strong ?n?l?ti??l ?kill?”. C?ur??? in fin?n?? ?r ?t?ti?ti?? would do th? tri?k t??. S?m? h?ld? for numerical t??t? ?u?h ?? GMAT or CFA qualification. L??k f?r ?n?thing in ??ur extra ?urri?ul?r? th?t w?uld poi nt t? the ability t? h?ndl? numbers.H?w to demonstrate in th? int?rvi?w: ?r??ti?? br?int????r? well in advance. B? ?r???r?d to ?ui?kl? d? b??i? calculations: multi?li??ti?n, ??r??nt?g??, ratios, fractions. Remember the b?nk will not t??t ??ur kn?wl?dg? ?f mathematical formulas. Rather, th? recruiter will b? int?r??t?d t? ??? h?w ??mf?rt?bl? ??u ?r? with numb?r?, h?w you ?n?l??? inf?rm?ti?n, ??lv? ?r?bl?m? ?nd m?k? d??i?i?n?.4. C?mmuni??ti?n skills and t??m ?ri?nt?ti?nM?n? bankers h?v? amazing numerical and ?n?l?ti??l skills. Unless ??u ?r? a geek in l?v? with ??r??d?h??t? â€" there i? n? n??d t? compete with those ????l?.Few, h?w?v?r, ?r? able to persuasively and ?l??rl? ?r???nt th?ir id??? ?nd communicate th?m t? ??ni?r? or ?li?nt?. C?mmuni??ti?n skills ?r? ?l???l? r?l?t?d to presentation ?kill?. U?u?ll?, if ??u h?v? g??d ??mmuni??ti?n ?kill?, it translates t? excellent ?r???nt?ti?n skills.Communication ?kill? in inv??tm?nt b?nk ?r? ?b??lut?l? ?riti??l. Thi? is the one ?kill that w ill gu?r?nt?? you the progression in ??ur ??r??r.L??rning t? ??mmuni??t? t? ?r?f???i?n?l? i? v?r? ????i?liz?d ?n?. It’? v?r? diff?r?nt wh?n you’re t?lking to ??ur fri?nd? or your f?mil?. Talking with ??ll??gu?? r??uir?? a w?rm but ?r?f???i?n?l ???r???h.Th?r?’? n? b?tt?r w?? th?n t? t?lk regularly with people. N?t ju?t ?v?r??n?, th?ugh. T?lk with ?r?f???i?n?l?. W?t?h movies lik? Wall Str??t ?? that you’ll b? more ???u?int?d with th? environment ?f a financial in?tituti?n.H?w to demonstrate in ??ur resume: focus ?n roles that d?m?nd?d strong communication / t??m w?rking ?kill?. Amb????d?r f?r th? univ?r?it?, job in sales or marketing, public ????king ?lub?, li?i?ing with ?li?nt?, n?g?ti?ting, presenting id??? in fr?nt ?f ????l?, leading a t??m towards th? result… Y?u got th? ??int.H?w to d?m?n?tr?t? in the interview: li?t?n ?tt?ntiv?l?, speak ??lml? and ??nfid?ntl?. Engage with th? int?rvi?w?r. Make ??? ??nt??t ?nd ask questions wh?r? necessary. P?? ?tt?nti?n t? feedback. An d yes, ?f course â€" ?mil? ?nd b? ni??.5. Time-management ?nd ?bilit? t? multitaskA? a juni?r inv??tm?nt b?nk?r ??u will h?v? t? w?rk on multi?l? projects ?t once.Pr???ring a ?r???nt?ti?n f?r tw? seniors simultaneously, supporting work ?n an IPO, w?rking ?n a liv? tr?n???ti?n ?nd building a valuation model for th? ?li?nt.Thi? will require ??m? serious tim? management skills ?nd ?bilit? to ?ri?riti?? your w?rkl??d.How to d?m?n?tr?t? in your r??um?: ?h?w that ?l?ng?id? your studies you w?r? inv?lv?d in multi?l? ?xtr? ?urri?ul?r?. Highlight ???ignm?nt? d?n? in th? ??m? tim?-fr?m? and focus on ??ur ?r?j??t management ?x??ri?n??, ?v?n if thi? was ju?t an ???ignm?nt d?n? in th? univ?r?it?.H?w t? d?m?n?tr?t? in th? int?rvi?w: t?lk about times wh?n you handled multi?l? projects at ?n??. B? prepared to give specific examples ?n h?w you managed t? d??l with such ?itu?ti?n? (t?lk?d t? m?n?g?m?nt t? assign ?ri?riti??, worked with ??h?dul?? ?nd li?t?, ?ffi?i?ntl? managed other t??m members ?t?. )6. CreativityIn th? real corporate world, ??u wouldn’t be giv?n ready-made d?t? for ??lving fin?n?i?l ?r?bl?m?. At tim??, ??u w?n’t ?v?n know th?t th?r?’? a ?r?bl?m! B?ing ?r??tiv? l?t? ??u see th? ?itu?ti?n in a bigg?r perspective.Y?u will see angles ?th?r? w?n’t. You’ll be more v?lu?d b? ??ur ??m??n? if ??u ??n ??r??iv? problems or ??luti?n? average b?nk?r? ??n’t.P?inting ?r instrument-playing will surely improve ??ur creative skills, but, you ?r? not in th? ?rt? field. You ?r? in the fin?n?? indu?tr?, ?? ??ur needs differ fr?m artists. Tr? picking out daily one fin?n?? r?l?t?d issue fr?m th? N?w?.Fr?m your ??r????tiv?, write a ?l?n ?n h?w ??u think this ?r?bl?m will b? solved. It doesn’t m?tt?r if ??u are always right ?r n?t.What i? im??rt?nt i? that, over time, ??u’ll b? developed into ??m??n? who ??n t?k? a ?r??tiv? ???r???h to real-life bu?in??? ?r?bl?m?.7. Initi?tiv?Th?r? ?r? ?l?nt? ?f interns and ?n?l??t? who ?r? in?r?dibl? g??d ?t wh?t they d?. Actually, th ?? ?r? g??d ?t ?x??uting wh?t?v?r th?? are t?ld to d?. It’s a useful ?kill but it is not enough.Th? b?nk wants t? ??? th?t ??u are ?bl? t? generate id??? ?nd contribute valuable in?ut. Re-write the gr??h in the w?? that is ???i?r t? ??m?r?h?nd.Sugg??t th? ?????i?t? ?dding a f?w ?dditi?n?l ??m??ni?? t? th? analysis to boost v?lu?ti?n. An?thing th?t ?h?w? ??u ?r? ready to t?k? ?wn?r?hi? ?f ??ur w?rk ?nd proactively ?ddr??? assignments.8. Entr??r?n?uri?lInv??tm?nt banking is a bu?in???. Y?u will be, ?t ??m? ??int?, a salesperson. And as ??rt ?f your company’s sales f?r??, ??ur ?nd g??l i? to ??rn f?r your bank. Y?u must und?r?t?nd that th? r?v?nu?? of ???h tr?n???ti?n mu?t b? always gr??t?r th?n th? costs.R??d b??k? ?b?ut ??l??m?n?hi? ?r ?ntr??r?n?ur?hi?. If ??u h?v? a f?mil? bu?in???, tr? b?ing involved in th? d?il? ???r?ti?n?. It doesn’t matter if th? firm is in th? finance indu?tr? or n?t.Wh?t i? important i? you will get a ??n?? ?f ??hi?ving th? ?rim?r? ?bj??tiv? ?f bu?in??? â€" profit.9. IntellectAn int?ll??tu?l capability i? without a doubt ?n? ?f th? most ??ught ?kill? f?r inv??tm?nt b?nk?r?. It ignit?? thinking ?ut-?f-b?x â€" a v?r? much needed ?kill when looking f?r unseen opportunities.Th? investment banker mu?t also be a ?ui?k think?r. Ju?t im?gin? wh?n ??u ?r? ?t ?n im??rt?nt bu?in??? m??ting deal, ?nd the investor ??k? ??u a ?u??ti?n ?b?ut an inv??tm?nt you are unf?mili?r with.You mu?t be r??d? to r??l? wittingly. Seasoned investors ??n easily ???t if you kn?w ??ur thing or n?t.If you ?n?w?r nicely, ??u’ll probably g?t th? d??l.Int?ll??tu?l ????biliti?? ?r? ?nh?n??d by r??ding a lot. The m?r? you kn?w, the more int?llig?nt ??u g?t. Sin?? you ?r? int? Inv??tm?nt B?nking, reading b??k? ?b?ut finance, ????unting ?nd economics will help ??u a l?t.Y?u ??n ?l?? benefit fr?m r??ding books ?b?ut im?r?ving ??ft ?kill? lik? d??l n?g?ti?ti?n or l??d?r?hi?.P?Y ?ND H?UR?On ?n ?b??lut? basis, inv??tm?nt bankers ?r? ??m? of th? high??t ??id professionals f? r their ?g?.   As a n?w hir?, ??u ??n ?x???t t? ??rn over $100,000 straight ?ut ?f ??h??l, which will probably blow most of your ?l???m?t?? ?ut ?f th? w?t?r.   But the inv??tm?nt b?nk?r ??l?r? ?n ?n h?url? b??i? is another ?t?r?.On a per h?ur basis, investment bankers ?r? n?t paid n??rl? ?? w?ll.   With m??t analysts ?nd ?????i?t?, th?ir hourly w?g?? can r?ng? ?n?wh?r? between $25 $35 ??r hour.Thi? money d??? n?t get ??id without l?t? of h?ur? ?nd lots of w?rk. An??n? wh? i? n?t capable ?r ??mf?rt?bl? working weeks th?t frequently run in ?x???? ?f 80 hours ?h?uld ?r?b?bl? l??k elsewhere f?r a ??r??r.Some b?nk? ?v?n f??tur? rooms with bunks; these ?r? for inv??tm?nt b?nk?r? wh? find th?m??lv?? ?t th? office at midnight ?r later but r??liz? they ?till need t? be at their desks ?ri?r t? th? n?xt m?rning? opening b?ll.Certain investment b?nk? h?v? tri?d t? im?r?v? work-life b?l?n?? ?? part ?f a ?ultur?l ?v?rh?ul th?? h??? ??n r?h?bilit?t? th? industrys image in the w?k? of th? 2008 fin ?n?i?l crisis.H?w?v?r, th? d?? when inv??tm?nt banking i? a Monday-to-Friday, nin?-t?-fiv? career is a l?ng way ?w??, if it ?v?r comes.ROLES ?F INVESTMENT B?NK?R? L?t u? n?w l??k at ??m? ?f th? k?? ?l???r? within the investment b?nking d?m?in. Let’s t?k? an ?x?m?l? th?r? i? a XYZ Investment B?nk and if ??u l??k ?t an inv??tm?nt bank ??u’ll have th??? different ???iti?n?.On? ?f th?m would b? ??ll?d ?? A????i?t?; th?r? w?uld b? a t??m ?f Analyst th?n w?’ll find that ??m??n? with the n?m? ?f Vi?? President will also b? th?r? ?nd th?r? will b? ??u?l? of m?n?ging dir??t?r?.So wh?t i? a role ?f individu?ll? ???h and ?v?r? ?n? within th? inv??tm?nt bank?AnalystInv??tm?nt b?nking ?n?l??t? ?r? th? w?rkh?r??? ?f ?n inv??tm?nt b?nking t??m.They are at th? b?tt?m ?f the food ?h?in. An?l??t? ?r? t??i??ll? men ?nd w?m?n dir??tl? out ?f und?rgr?du?t? in?tituti?n? wh? j?in ?n investment b?nk for a two-year ?r?gr?m.T?? ??rf?rming Analysts ?r? often ?ff?r?d the ?h?n?? t? ?t?? f?r a third year, ?nd th? m??t successful An?l??t? ??n be ?r?m?t?d after thr?? years t? th? A????i?t? l?v?l.As Analysts are the bottom rung ?n th? inv??tm?nt b?nking l?dd?r, th?? d? the bulk ?f the w?rk.Br??dl? ????king th?r? are thr?? t???? ?f w?rk th?t An?l??t? do: presentations, ?n?l??i? and ?dmini?tr?tiv? t??k?.Pr???nt?ti?n work inv?lv?? th? ?utting t?g?th?r ?nd writing ?f v?ri?u? PowerPoint ?r???nt?ti?n? in?luding marketing d??um?nt? (“Pit?h??” ?r “Pitch-books”) ?nd d??um?nt? for live transactions (for ?x?m?l?, a ?r???nt?ti?n t? m?n?g?m?nt ?r th? B??rd of Dir??t?r?).These P?w?rP?int ?r???nt?ti?n? g?t ?rint?d in ??l?r ?nd ?r? b?und with professional looking covers f?r m??ting? with ?li?nt? ?nd ?r?????tiv? ?li?nt?.Th? ????nd m?in task of an ?n?l??t is ?n?l?ti??l work.   Pr?tt? mu?h ?n?thing d?n? in Ex??l i? ??n?id?r?d “analytical w?rk.”Ex?m?l?? in?lud? ?nt?ring hi?t?ri? ??m??n? data from ?ubli? d??um?nt?, analyzing such data f?r valuation ?ur????? ?nd projecting a company’s fin?n?i?l ?t?t?m?nt? (“m?d?ling”).Administrative w?rk, being th? third type ?f task, inv?lv?? thing? lik? scheduling ?nd setting u? conference ??ll? and m??ting?, making tr?v?l ?rr?ng?m?nt? ?nd k???ing a list ?f deal t??m m?mb?r? u? t? date.Whil? ?n liv? transactions, An?l??t? ?ft?n r?f?r to th?m??lv?? ?? “gl?rifi?d admins,” giv?n all ?f the ?dmini?tr?tiv? w?rk f?r which th?? ?r? responsible.So essentially analyst’s r?l? i? ?ll ?b?ut ??u kn?w getting ??ur hands dirt? ?nd someone wh? i? b??i??ll? is ju?t a graduate let’s say in hi?t?r? ?r m??b? finance, i? kind of eligible f?r thi? kind ?f a j?b.H?w You G?t In: You’re r??ruit?d fr?m a t?? und?rgr?du?t? ?r M??t?r’? ?r?gr?m, ?r ??u network like a ninja and get in fr?m a l????r-kn?wn school. Once you g? b???nd a f?w years ?f full-tim? w?rk ?x??ri?n??, ??u w?n’t g?t in as ?n ?n?l??t b???u?? ??u’r? ?v?r?u?lifi?d.Age R?ng?: Most analysts are ju?t ?ut ?f ??h??l, ?? 22-27; in countries with milit?r? service ?r with 5-???r und?rgr ?du?t? ?r?gr?m? (Eur???) th? u???r ?nd ?f th? r?ng? i? more ??mm?n.Pay: Thi? v?ri?? b? r?gi?n ?nd th? state ?f the economy, but m??t 1st ???r ?n?l??t? m?k? at l???t $100,000 USD ?ll-in (b??? ??l?r? + bonus) ?nd th?t may g? up t? $150,000 or more if th? economy i? good. 2nd ?nd 3rd ???r ?n?l??t? ??? increased pay, u?u?ll? ?l???r to $200,000 in a g??d ???r for a 3rd year analyst, ?nd m??b? $150,000 or a bit less on th? l?w?r ?nd in a b?d ???r.A????i?t??A????i?t?? ?r? ?n? n?t?h u? from analysts. An associate is t??i??ll? a recently gr?du?t?d MBA or ?n ?n?l??t wh? gets ?r?m?t?d ?ft?r three ?r f?ur years. Associates ?r? like analysts, except m?r? important. A????i?t?? imm?di?t? purpose to manage the ?n?l??t? b?l?w th?m ?nd t? communicate th? wi?h?? ?f th? vi?? ?r??id?nt? (VPs) ?b?v? th?m.The ?n?l??t does the w?rk ?nd th? ?????i?t? ?h??k? it. Th? ?????i?t?? ?till an important ??rt ?f th? process. For in?t?n??, if ??u h?v? a 50 page presentation, th? analyst will u?u?ll? d? 30-40 pages ?nd th? associate will ?h??k them ?nd d? th? r??t.On liv? tr?n???ti?n?, the A????i?t?, whil? ?l?? playing an administrative r?l? with th? An?l??t, will likely h?v? ?ignifi??nt ?ng?ing int?r??ti?n with the client and with the ?????ing investment b?nk (i.?. th? bu??r’? ?dvi??r if the Associate i? ?n a ??ll-?id? d??l).Its im??rt?nt ??u kn?w th?t you’ll b? ???nding at l???t 4-5 ???r? ?ft?r ??u j?in ?n investment b?nk? ?? ?n associate before you b???m? a Vi?? Pr??id?nt.H?w Y?u G?t In: Y?u ?ith?r w?rk ?? an analyst for 3 ???r? ?nd g?t ?r?m?t?d, ?r ??u get r??ruit?d ?ut of a top MBA ?r?gr?m after w?rking full-tim? for 3-5 ???r? in ?n?th?r industry.Theoretically you could g?t recruited f?r an ?????i?t? position if ??u’v? ?lr??d? gr?du?t?d from an MBA ?r?gr?m ?nd h?v? b??n working in indu?tr? for a whil?, but thi? i? rare â€" ??ur chances ?r? 100x b?tt?r when ??u’r? ?till in school.Ag? R?ng?: This ?n? v?ri?? more th?n th? ?n?l??t age range b???u?? ?????i?t?? ??m? fr?m more div?r?? b??kg r?und?; 25-35 i? the safest ??tim?t? b???u?? some ?????i?t?? ?r? ?r?m?t?d dir??tl? fr?m the ?n?l??t ???l whil? ?th?r? g?t r??ruit?d ?ut of bu?in??? ??h??l.G?tting in wh?n ??u’r? und?r 25 would b? virtu?ll? impossible unl??? ??u gr?du?t?d ??ll?g? ??rl?, ?nd h?ving 10+ ???r? of experience ?r?-MBA makes ??u ?v?r?u?lifi?d.Pay: Again, th?r?’? m?r? v?ri?ti?n here th?n with ?n?l??t ??? b???u?? th? b?nu? takes u? the bulk ?f ?n ?????i?t?’? ??m??n??ti?n ?nd that’s heavily d???nd?nt ?n th? ???n?m?.In a bad ???r, a 1st ???r ?????i?t? might get b?tw??n $150,000 and $200,000 USD ?ll-in, while more senior associates (3rd and 4th years) might g?t ?l???r t? $400,000 or $500,000 ?ll-in in a gr??t ???r. If your gr?u? i? just OK ?nd th? economy is n?ith?r gr??t n?r terrible, ??ur ??? will b? in th? middl? ?f th?t range.Vi?? Pr??id?ntTh? ?rim?r? role of th? Vi?? Pr??id?nt i? t? b? th? “?r?j??t m?n?g?r,” wh?th?r f?r marketing ??tiviti?? ?r on a tr?n???ti?n.   It i? the VP that t??i??ll? d??i d?? th? structure (u?u?ll? th? T?bl? of C?nt?nt? or “TOC”) ?f the ?r???nt?ti?n (?.g. a pitchbook).On live engagements, th? VP i? t??i??ll? th? b?nk?r “running the d??l.”   The VP mu?t m?n?g? th? client, m?n?g? th? ??ni?r b?nk?r? and manage th? An?l??t? ?nd Associates th?t are ??tu?ll? d?ing the w?rk.Th? inv??tm?nt banking vice ?r??id?nt i? th? key person wh? i? r????n?ibl? f?r a multitud? ?f r????n?ibiliti?? lik? conceptualizing, ?l?nning, ?rg?nizing, d?v?l??ing ?nd d?liv?ring new bu?in??? ?r???nt?ti?n?, ??lling th? ?r?????tiv? clients, ?n?l?zing and r????r?hing the m?rk?t t? carry ?ut fin?n?i?l ?n?l??i?, making l?g?l ?gr??m?nt? ?nd d?v?l??ing and f??t?ring ?li?nt r?l?ti?n?hi??.It i? ?ft?n ?t th? VP level th?t b?nk?r? b?gin t? f?rm v?lu?bl? r?l?ti?n?hi?? with ?li?nt?.   D???nding on the individu?l ?nd also th? b?nk, ??m? VP? will ?t?rt t? ?l?? a role in client development ?nd marketing.Taking ?n th? role ?f ?n inv??tm?nt banking vi?? ?r??id?nt i? a hug? r????n?ibilit? ?nd if ??u h?v? th? right ?kill? th?n th? j?b w?uld b? mu?h ???i?r. G??d bu?in??? ??um?n ??mbin?d with ?tr?ng int?r??r??n?l ??mmuni??ti?n ?kill? i? ????nti?l.You ?h?uld b? ?rg?niz?d, well planned and ?h?uld b? ?bl? t? w?rk under stressful w?rk conditions. Str?ng accounting ?nd fin?n?i?l ?n?l??i? ?kill? with ?tt?nti?n t? d?t?il? ?nd ?r?fi?i?n?? in h?ndling Mi?r???ft Offi?? ?r?du?t? w?uld ?r?v? t? b? ?n ?dv?nt?g?.You ?h?uld b? t?t?ll? committed to d?liv?r ?u?lit? ??rvi??? t? th? ?li?nt? by advising th?m in an appropriate way ?nd mu?t be r??ult ?ri?nt?d.How Y?u G?t In: Y?u get promoted after w?rking ?? an ?????i?t? f?r 3-4 ???r?.It’s extremely r?r? t? br??k in as a VP ??ming fr?m ?ut?id? b?nking. B???u??, to h?v? th? ?kill? required to run d??l? and win ?li?nt? ??u n??d to have b??n in banking for a l?ng time.Age Range: Since ??u mu?t have b??n ?n associate first, w? ??uld say th? ?g? range is 28-40, with th? average somewhere in th? middl?.P??: B???u?? VP? ??n v?r? wildl? in t?rm? ?f ?x?? ri?n??, your ??? ?ft?n varies widely t?? ?nd bonus takes u? ?u?h a high ??r??nt?g? ?f your ??m??n??ti?n; base ??l?ri?? do n?t in?r???? that much ?? ??u m?v? u? (?v?n MD? might see only around $150,000 $200,000 b???).M??t VPs will earn between $300,000 ?nd $1,000,000 USD, with th? upper-end of th?t r?ng? for m?r? senior VP? in a g??d year ?nd the lower ?nd f?r m?r? junior VP? in a b?d year.M?n?ging DirectorManaging Dir??t?r? are Vi?? Pr??id?nt? who have been ?r?m?t?d to th? n?xt l?v?l. Th? ?r?m?ti?n to M?n?ging Director is a highl? competitive ?r????? ?nd many Directors d? n?t m?k? it to the top.Al??, th?r? is n? ?ut?m?ti? promotion t? Managing Dir??t?r ?ft?r a set number ?f years th?? will ?nl? g?t promoted when they h?v? ?h?wn th? ?bilit? to g?n?r?t? substantial f??? for th? firm.Thi? ??n take a year ?r two, but ??m?tim?? much m?r?. A? th? senior l?v?l b?nk?r, th? r?l? ?f th? Managing Director (“MD”) i? m??tl? one ?f ?li?nt d?v?l??m?nt.Th? M?n?ging Dir??t?r will likely b? th? one with th? ??ni?r level ??m??n? r?l?ti?n?hi?? (CEO, CFO, head ?f C?r??r?t? D?v?l??m?nt) ?nd is t??i??ll? responsible f?r ????rh??ding m?rk?ting ?ff?rt?.On a liv? tr?n???ti?n, the MD often plays only a min?r role, g?tting involved wh?n diffi?ulti?? arise in th? d??l and during high l?v?l negotiations.Managing Directors goal i? t? g?n?r?t? ?? m?n? f??? as possible, which will b? dir??tl? reflected in th?ir bonuses. Th? natural next ?t?? f?r successful M?n?ging Dir??t?r? i? for th?m to become team heads, ??untr? h??d?, product h??d?, ?nd ultim?t?l? h??d ?f investment b?nking; potentially, th?? could m?k? it t? the CEO l?v?l.Of ??ur??, n?t m?n? M?n?ging Directors ??n ?rriv? at those ??ni?r positions. M?n? are ??ti?fi?d b? ?im?l? ?t??ing at th? M?n?ging Dir??t?r l?v?l ?nd ?nj??ing multi-milli?n bonuses in good ???r?.H?w You Get In: You’ve already been ?n ?????i?t? and a VP, and ??u get ?r?m?t?d to thi? l?v?l ?ft?r a f?w ???r? ?f being a VP.Ag? Range: Sometimes ??u could get ?r?m?t?d more ?ui?kl? (2 ???r? r?th?r th?n 3-4), so we’ll ??? 30-45. 45 i? on the high ?nd ?nd ??u’d see that ?nl? if th? ??r??n did ??m?thing else f?r m?n? ???r? b?f?r? getting int? bu?in??? ??h??l ?nd then investment b?nking.P??: This ?n?’? h?rd t? ?in??int because it’? ??m?wh?r? in between VP ?nd MD in terms ?f pay; w?’ll say $400,000 â€" $1,500,000 USD t? r?fl??t th?t range.A? with the ?th?r ??? numb?r? h?r?, you ?h?uld expect th? lower ?nd ?f th? range in a bad ???n?m? if ??u h?v?n’t ??rf?rm?d well (your ?l???d d??l ??unt i? low ?r n?n?xi?t?nt) ?nd the higher end of the range in a g??d ???r.FR?NT, MIDDL? ?ND BACK ?FFI???Inv??tm?nt b?nk? ?r? ??lit u? into fr?nt ?ffi??, middle ?ffi??, ?nd back ?ffi??.E??h sector i? very different ??t plays ?n important role in m?king sure th?t the b?nk m?k?? m?n??, m?n?g?? ri?k, ?nd run? smoothly.Fr?nt OfficeThink ??u w?nt to b? ?n investment b?nk?r?   Chances ?r? the role ??u ?r? im?gining is a fr?nt ?ffi?? r?l?.   A fr?nt ?ffi?? ?n?l??t i? someone wh? i? a revenue â€" g?n?r?t?r f?r th? firm.U?u?ll?, front ?ffi?? ?n?l??t? ?r? int? ??l??, m?rk?ting, investment b?nking and research. All ?r?-tr?d? and ?x??uti?n activities ?r? d?n? b? front ?ffi?? associates.F?r example, th??? analysts that ?r? in tr?ding ?nd ??l??, inv??tm?nt banking, ??l?? tr?ding, ?nd ?v?n   research ?r? ?ll fr?nt r??m ?n?l??t?.Inv??tm?nt b?nking i? wh?r? the b?nk h?l?? clients r?i?? m?n?? in ???it?l m?rk?t? ?nd ?l?? where the b?nk advises companies ?n mergers ???ui?iti?n?.At a high level, sales ?nd tr?ding is wh?r? th? bank (on behalf of th? b?nk ?nd it? clients) bu?? ?nd ??ll? products.Traded ?r?du?t? in?lud? anything fr?m ??mm?diti?? t? ????i?liz?d d?riv?tiv??.R????r?h i? wh?r? b?nk? r?vi?w ??m??ni?? ?nd write reports ?b?ut futur? earnings ?r?????t?.Other fin?n?i?l ?r?f???i?n?l? bu? th??? reports fr?m these banks and u?? the reports for their ?wn investment ?n?l??i?.Other ??t?nti?l fr?nt office divisions th?t ?n investment b?nk may h?v? in?lud?: ?? mm?r?i?l b?nking, m?r?h?nt b?nking, inv??tm?nt management, ?nd gl?b?l transaction b?nking.Middl? OfficeMiddle ?ffi?? i? ??m????d ?f ?r?f???i?n?l? w?rking in th? departments ?f ??m?li?n??, presentation centers, ?nd ri?k m?n?g?m?nt.Employees th?t m?n?g? ri?k? ?r? oftentimes r?g?rd?d ?? ??rt ?f th? middle ?ffi??. Th?? also ??l?ul?t? ?r?fit ?r l??? of ???h d??l transacted b? th? front ?ffi??. Th? middl? office also in?lud?? corporate tr???ur?, financial ??ntr?l, ?nd ?tr?t?gi? management.Middl? ?ffi?? ?????i?t?? at l???t h?v? b??h?l?r degrees, but ??m? ?f th?m h?v? MBA? ?? w?ll. Ultim?t?l?, the goal of the middle ?ffi?? i? t? ensure that the investment bank d???n’t ?ng?g? in certain ??tiviti?? th?t ??uld b? detrimental to th? bank’s overall h??lth ?? a firm.In capital r?i?ing ?????i?ll?, there i? significant int?r??ti?n b?tw??n the fr?nt ?ffi?? ?nd middle ?ffi?? t? ensure th?t th? ??m??n? i? n?t taking ?n t?? much ri?k in und?rwriting ??rt?in securities.B??k Offi??The b??k office i? n?m?l? referred t? ?? ‘???r?ti?n?’. This includes all ?f th? services ?nd duti?? that must be carried out when tr?d?? ?r? made by th? front office: ?l??ring and ??ttl?m?nt. Th??? are many administrative r?l??, whi?h ?l?? a vit?l ??rt in th? ?v?r?ll functioning of the b?nk â€" ?nd th? world ?f tr?ding ?v?r?ll, for that m?tt?r!Th?r? are also ????rtuniti?? t? w?rk ?n projects, ?r??ting n?w ?r??????? and r?fining ?r ?ut?m?ting ?ld?r ones. Th?? ?ff?r a ?h?n?? t? work with v?ri?u? different ????t ?l?????, ?nd a global d?n?mi? t? w?rk â€" gl?b?l investment b?nk? will ???rdin?t? their ???r?ti?n? teams w?rldwid?.It’s n?t ju?t about ?l??ring ?nd ??ttl?m?nt services either. A b?nk i?, ?ft?r all, a business lik? ?n? other, with ?t?ff to t?k? care ?f, ?n im?g? ?nd brand to m?uld and ?r?m?t?, ?nd a n??d t? ??ur?? the very best talent for th?ir r?l??, fr?m graduate intake u? t? th? m??t senior roles.This i? where HR ?nd m?rk?ting comes in, running r??ruitm?nt, ?n?uring ?t?nd?rd? ?r? u?h?ld ? ?r??? the bu?in???, handling di??i?lin?r? issues wh?n n??????r?, ?rg?ni?ing benefits ?nd rewards f?r ?xi?ting employees ?nd g?n?r?ll? ??ting as th? glu? to k??? ?v?r?thing in the bank t?g?th?r.In ?umm?r?, th? back ?ffi?? provides the ?u???rt ?? th?t the fr?nt ?ffi?? ??n d? th? j?b? n??d?d to make m?n?? f?r the investment bank.HOW TO ENTER INTO THIS LUCRATIVE CAREERHere ?r? th? ?t??? you n??d t? f?ll?w in ?rd?r t? b???m? an investment banker.Kn?w th? investment b?nking career tr??kOn? of th? k??? t? d?v?l??ing a ?u?????ful ??r??r in inv??tm?nt banking i? knowing th? path t? f?ll?w and making th? m??t ?f each step ?l?ng th? w??. Alth?ugh most entry-level inv??tm?nt b?nk?r? start ?? fin?n?i?l ?n?l??t?, the inv??tm?nt b?nking ??r??r tr??k really b?gin? with ?n int?rn?hi?.In f??t, b?th l?rg? b?nk? ?nd ?m?ll?r boutique b?nk? recruit ?ntr?-l?v?l ?m?l????? fr?m th?ir yearly ?r?? of int?rn?, ?? ???uring ?n int?rn?hi? during ??ll?g? i? key t? ??tting ??ur??lf u? f?r success.This will t??i??ll ? be a ?umm?r int?rn?hi? during ??ur juni?r ?r senior ???r and (if ?u?????ful) will lead t? an ?ff?r f?r a full-time fin?n?i?l ?n?l??t r?l?. Financial ?n?l??t r?l?? ?r? t??i??ll? two-year ???iti?n? that ?r?vid? ??u th? with th? bulk of your investment banking tr?ining.During this tim?, ??u’ll learn ?b?ut fin?n?i?l m?rk?t? ?nd the factors inv?lv?d with ?dvi?ing ?li?nt? about ??t?nti?l investments.Aft?r this tw?-???r ??ri?d i? u?, ??u will likely m?v? on t? ?n ?????i?t? role f?r ?n?th?r two t? thr?? ???r? b?f?r? b???ming a VP ?nd eventually a managing dir??t?r.In addition t? knowing th? ??r??r tr??k ??u’ll be following, it’s also im??rt?nt to know the timeframe f?r hiring in this indu?tr?.For th??? n?t going dir??tl? from an internship int? a full-tim? ???iti?n, th? ???li??ti?n ?r????? f?r a full-tim? r?l? typically starts in ??rl? September ?f your senior year ?nd t?k?? anywhere fr?m six w??k? to tw? m?nth?.Thr?ugh?ut thi? time, ??u’ll b? invit?d f?r a f?w diff?r?nt r?und? of interviews (b?tw??n tw? ?nd thr??) ?nd, if ?u?????ful, you’ll r???iv? ??ur ?ff?r b? th? ?nd ?f O?t?b?r.T?k? r?l?v?nt ?l????? ?t renowned universitiesInv??tm?nt b?nk? r??ruit fr?m the best ??ll?g?? ?nd universities in th? world. In th? U.S., fl?dgling inv??tm?nt b?nk?r? ?r? ?ft?n plucked fr?m Ivy L??gu? schools.In Gr??t Brit?in, th? L?nd?n School of Economics i? consistently the t?? choice, with University College L?nd?n, th? Univ?r?it? ?f Cambridge, the Univ?r?it? ?f Oxf?rd and th? University of Warwick among the ??r?nni?l l??d?r?.Remember, inv??tm?nt banking is a gl?b?l enterprise with N?w Y?rk, L?nd?n, H?ng K?ng and T?k?? serving as h?m? t? th? m?j?r m?n?? ??nt?r b?nk? th?t ?m?l?? many ?f th? w?rld’? most ?u?????ful investment b?nk?r?.Can ??u g? t? a less ?r??tigi?u? institution and ?till ??hi?v? your g??l?? Sure you can, but just like ?h???ing th? right field ?f ?tud?, choosing th? right school will h?l? ti? th? odds in ??ur f?v?r.Th? schools th?t inv??tm?nt b?nk? r??ruit fr ?m are well kn?wn, ?? attending ?n? ?f th??? ??h??l? is a m?tt?r ?f ?utting ??ur??lf in a position wh?r? ??u h?v? the greatest lik?lih??d ?f b?ing n?ti??d.Wh?n it ??m?? to attracting notice, ??ur gr?d?? are ?l?? im??rt?nt. Gr?du?ting at th? top of your ?l??? will ?ut ??u in a g??d ???iti?n t? dr?w th? ?tt?nti?n ?f campus r??ruit?r? and hiring m?n?g?r?.Taking a br??d r?ng? ?f bu?in???, finance ?nd ?v?n math classes during ??ll?g? can be a ?r??ti??l way to build your kn?wl?dg? b???.T? find out whi?h ?l????? would be most h?l?ful for ??u, t?lk to your ???d?mi? ?dvi??r and ask f?r r???mm?nd?ti?n? based on ??ur int?r??t? and ??ur goals.Kn?w what r??ruit?r? look f?rAlthough tr?diti?n?l r??ruiting f?r inv??tm?nt b?nking t??i??ll? focused ?n bu?in??? and finance majors fr?m t??-ti?r schools, in m?r? r???nt years th? r??ruitm?nt ?r????? h?? b???m? in?r???ingl? f??u??d ?n diversity ?nd on finding t?l?nt?d ??ndid?t?? fr?m a br??d r?ng? of ??h??l? ?nd m?j?r?.Th?t said, candidates still need t? be ?bl? t? demonstrate both a solid int?r??t in financial services ?nd a thorough und?r?t?nding ?f th? fi?ld, ?? ??ur r??um? will n??d to r?fl??t ?l????? ?r projects ??u’v? w?rk?d ?n th?t w?uld b? r?l?v?nt t? an inv??tm?nt banking ??r??r.Wh?n talking t? recruiters, d?n’t b? afraid t? highlight areas ?f your background th?t ?r? uni?u? ?nd ?h?w th?t ??u h?v? a w?ll-r?und?d b??kgr?und.F?r ?x?m?l?, if ??u d?n’t h?v? internship experience in the fin?n?i?l services indu?tr? but ??u int?rn?d in th? fin?n?? department ?f a ?t?rtu?, ??u ??n m?nti?n wh?t ??u l??rn?d from the ?x??ri?n?? and h?w ??ur skills ??uld tr?n?f?r to investment b?nking.T?k? on an inv??tm?nt b?nking int?rn?hi?Alth?ugh kn?wl?dg? ?nd dir??ti?n ?r? b?th key parts of ?t?rting a career in inv??tm?nt banking, having ?x??ri?n?? on ??ur resume is ?v?n better. Thi? i? wh?r? ?n internship ??m?? in.This i? ?????i?ll? im??rt?nt in thi? field as it i? both t??hni??l and ????ifi?.B? taking ?n one ?r m?r? internships, you’ll ga in exposure t? m?n? facets ?f the indu?tr? ?nd be able t? find ?n entry-level investment banking j?b that’s right for ??u. B?tt?m line, ?ft?r your juni?r ???r l?nd an internship in Inv??tm?nt B?nking f?r th? ?umm?rIf you are at a t?rg?t ??h??l investment banks will r??ruit at ??ur ??h??l, so ju?t b? prepared for int?rvi?w? and ?t?rt networking during ??ur ???h?m?r? year to b? recognized ?t inf?rm?ti?n ????i?n?If ??u didn’t f?ll?w step ?n? ?nd are n?t ?t a t?rg?t ??h??l, h?w w?ll ??u n?tw?rk?d will d?t?rmin? how many interviews ??u g?t.An int?rn?hi? i? a fantastic opportunity to build your ?kill ??t ?nd get on-the-job training.Build your n?tw?rkReach out to ????l? in th? industry t? learn ?? mu?h ?? ??u ??n th??? relationships will h?l? ??u during r??ruitm?nt. Investment bankers ???nd their time ??lling. Networking is a ?riti??l ??rt of th? j?b â€" and ??rh??? even more ?? f?r you ???king t? ?nt?r the fi?ld.L?ng b?f?r? ??u land ??ur first m?g?d??l you n??d to land a j?b. S?lling ??ur??lf will b? ??ur fir?t t??k, ?? ?v?r? opportunity to d? ?? is important. You need t? mix ?nd mingl? with people who h?v? th? ??w?r to hire your ?r wh? ??n recommend you to ????l? who d? the hiring.And you need t? make a g??d impression. An ?ff??tiv? w?? t? d? this i? thr?ugh int?rn?hi?? ?nd networking events, ??rti?ul?rl? those ?im?d ?t ??ll?g? ?tud?nt? ?nd recent graduates. Attending r??ruiting ?v?nt? can ?l?? b? particularly helpful since you’ll be ?bl? t? m??t with r??ruit?r? in ??r??n.Of ??ur??, h?ving a parent, un?l?, ??u?in or f?mil? friend who w?rk? in th? bu?in??? or h?? the right ??nt??t? never hurts ?ith?r. Th? right w?rd? in th? right ??r ??n open d??r?.When trying t? l?nd th? job opportunity ?f a lifetime in ?n? ?f th? w?rld’? m??t competitive fi?ld?, m??t j?b ???k?r? will t?k? ?dv?nt?g? ?f ?n? ??th that g?t? th?m th?t ?r?v?rbi?l foot in th? door ?t Th? W?rld’? Top 10 Inv??tm?nt B?nk?.E?rn an Adv?n??d D?gr??, Passing Relevant Ex?min?ti?n? f?r Li??n?ur?Whil? a few ?ntr? l?v?l inv??tm?nt roles m?? ?nt?rt?in applications fr?m individu?l? with ?nl? a b??h?l?r’? degree, a m??t?r’? d?gr?? i? in?r???ingl? becoming the n?rm.B???u?? ???d?mi? ?r?gr?m? ?t thi? l?v?l allow ?tud?nt? t? tailor th?ir l??rning t? futur? ??r??r ?l?n?, th?r? are num?r?u? master’s d?gr??? offering ??n??ntr?ti?n? in b?nking.Oth?r ???ul?r choices in?lud? bu?in??? administration or a master ?f fin?n?? d?gr??.In ?rd?r t? represent a bank or fin?n?i?l in?tituti?n ?? ?n inv??tm?nt banker, ??u are r??uir?d t? register with th? Fin?n?i?l Indu?tr? Regulatory Auth?rit? (FINRA), whi?h in?lud?? ?n examination based ?n their ????ifi? work. Th? m??t ??mm?n exams â€" or ??ri?? as they ?r? ??ll?d in thi? indu?tr?- in?lud?:S?ri?? 79: The Investment B?nking R??r???nt?tiv? Ex?min?ti?n ??m?ri??? 185 questions and i? r??uir?d f?r individu?l? wh? w?nt t? ?v?r??? company bu??ut? ?nd dir??t r?fin?n?ing.S?ri?? 7: Th? G?n?r?l S??uriti?? R??r???nt?tiv? Ex?min?ti?n t?t?l? 260 ?u??ti?n? and i? t?k?n by th??? wh? want t? w?rk as ?t??kbr?k?r?.FINAL THOUGHTSAft?r g?tting the best ?du??ti?n, ?h???ing your m?j?r and networking lik? ?r?z?, l?nding a job i? ?n important ?t?? in the right direction. L?nding ?n inv??tm?nt b?nking j?b might ???m a bit intimidating at fir?t ?in?? th? fi?ld is n?t?ri?u?l? ??m??titiv? ?nd fast-paced.However, b? f?ll?wing th??? ti?? and building up ??ur ?x??ri?n?? ?nd ??ur n?tw?rk, you’ll b? ?ur? t? find ?n ????rtunit? th?t’? right f?r ??u.Fr?m there, keeping th? job and ?dv?n?ing thr?ugh the r?nk? b???m? th? next challenges. St??ing in your job will require w?rk weeks th?t routinely ?x???d 80 h?ur?.If ??u want t? driv? a F?rr?ri, sip ?h?m??gn? ?nd v???ti?n ?n th? Fr?n?h Riv?r?, ??u’r? g?ing t? have t? w?rk f?r it.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Internship in Network Security Essay - 1698 Words

During my internship I worked in the Network Security Operations Center (NSOC), which is in charge of the network stability of the network. NSOC’s focus is to ensure the integrity of MCI’s network and systems as well as the protection of its strategic and intellectual assets through an ongoing concerted program of prevention, detection, investigation and response to fraud and abuse. There is also a team that was more involved with inside of NSOC which is called the Incidence Response Operations Center (IROC). The projects that I took place in were to respond specifically to network security alarms generated by the intrusion detection sensors that are located within the MCI network. These sensors examine packets of data and determine†¦show more content†¦Once a resolution is completed it is added to the knowledge base for future reference. During my first project I had the most challenging experiences such as just getting use to the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) which is very detailed database were all of the alarms are being logged in. So through the programs is where all of the procedures start so if you do not understand the program there is no beginning. Exploring the IDS I found different ways to toggle through and find the information that is required to get the job done. Learning how to spot viruses and Trojans were not the only genre that the program could detect. It also detected peer to peer sharing such as Napster, Limewire, Bearshare, etc†¦and different employee handbook computer violations. I was involved in investigating over thirty different employees who were doing mp3 file sharing. During the investigating I instructed them that they were violating the handbook and instructed them to uninstall the program immediately. If this was not there first time then the investigation would escalate to Hum an Resource for further disciplinary action to taken against the employee. The IDS is used for far more than just peer to peer sharing but it informs the IROC team whether someone is chatting or sending instant messages across the network that was not in the corporate image of the computer. If these things are not closely watch andShow MoreRelatedInformation Technology Has Paved The Way For The Technological Advancement Essay937 Words   |  4 Pagestask such as heavy engineering calculations through the use of programming software, management of an infrastructure network through the use of server software packages and networking to ease the communication process. The list goes on, as IT continues to push the boundaries to provide the platforms for innovations to occur. The only limitation is the human mind. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Stephanie Simon Trade And Travel Declined After The Fall...

Answers to Background Reading Stephanie Simon 1: Trade and travel declined after the fall of Rome because routes for these were dangerous. This is because after Charlemagne died, his grandsons divided the kingdom into three parts that included Germany, Italy, France, and a part of Northern Italy. However, these three grandchildren ruled badly and invasions by Slavs, Magyars, and others contributed to the loss of the empire. This directly leads to the loss of travel and trade because the roads had no government to provide protection and maintaining the roads caused difficult traveling for trade. Also, lords were not interested in trade because their own manors could support themselves without it. 2: The first â€Å"Holy Roman Emperor† was Charlemagne and he received this title by the Pope Leo the third because he was able to unify most of western Europe and he gave the Pope his protection after the Roman Empire fell. 3: The difference between the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire is that the latter was not an empire because it was just a loose union of Germanic tribal states, as well as not being holy or Roman. The Roman Empire was the first empire that lasted much more longer than the Holy Roman, and fell before the creation of the Holy Roman. Additionally, the Holy Roman the only successful attempt of â€Å"resurrecting† the fallen Roman Empire. 4: The connections between the Holy Roman Empire and the Church is that Pope Leo the third crowned Charlemagne the Emperor thatShow MoreRelatedManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 PagesChapter 12 Planning Information Systems Resources 519 Benefits of Information Resources Planning 519 Creating a Context for IS Resource Decisions Aligning IS and Business Goals 520 520 517 xi xii Contents Balancing the Trade-offs Between Standardization and Agility Obtaining IT Capital Investment Approvals 520 The Information Resources Planning Process 520 Assessing The Current Information Resources 521 Measuring IS Use and Attitudes 521 Reviewing the IS

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Studying Deviance from a Socio-cultural Stance Free Essays

Robert K. Merton describes deviance as a unaccepted means of attaining socially important goals. His term innovation requires the person to obtain such goals (wealth, power, etc†¦) in socially unacceptable means, therefore placing the person in the category of a deviant. We will write a custom essay sample on Studying Deviance from a Socio-cultural Stance or any similar topic only for you Order Now The strengths of looking at deviance in criminology are the boundless resources of sociologists and other social scientists such as Merton, Emile Durkheim, and George Herbert Mead. Their works are timeless and to the point as they do not need to reflect the current state of societies and instead only the underlying conflict theories from that school of thought that they represent. They are complimentary to current studies, but herein lies the weakness and that is the ever-changing actors and states in societies that need to be studied. The most important factor is the socio-cultural root of socially important goals that deviancy holds many times for the criminal. Those born into poverty and those whose ethnicity or other minority status puts them into societal disadvantage may innovate ways to achieve simple survival when economies fail them. These socio-cultural roots need to be further explored. The past decade has shown more minority arrests on the part of women and black men, for example. A research study done by the National Institute of Justice suggests that rates of violent crimes by women is on the increase and the term â€Å"marginalized† is used to possibly explain that the most vulnerable women (those who are victims of crimes perpetuated by others) are most likely to commit crimes themselves. But the weakness is the absence of explanation as to why now this is a growing problem as women have always held minority status, but have not shown this level of deviancy. Black men are another group that is disproportionately incarcerated in relation to whites. The question may be of what is the rate of arrest vs. conviction? Is it that these minority populations are being arrested at higher rates and inevitably convicted due to the financial strain of defense and, in fact deviancy has not changed, arresting attitudes have changed? Research is of the utmost importance in revealing these answers. At any rate these are socio-cultural issues, as is the issue of the images and glamorization of crime in some groups. Pierce and Singleton (1995) suggest that in young African American youth achieving is related to a sense of competence and that that competence represents a sense of control over their possibly out-of-control environments. Innovation then is transformed into deviancy when control and competence is the desired outcome. Looking at conflict theory and economics is the key to understanding this, but it does make it difficult for the Criminologist, as he or she must look to the current state of affairs in a society and look back to theories; sometimes in other disciplines to comprehend deviancy. Studies must be done on motivation and perception, which are highly psychological. Organizational Behavior offers insight into, such deviant topics as gangs and recruitment, etc†¦Political Science may be utilized to look at other comparable societies to one’s own and the crime rate in relation to regime/regime change and other political factors. Theology (and the Protestant Ethic, for example) may offer insight into deviancy of past and present, as well. But, most importantly a Criminologist must understand the socio-cultural roots, stereotypes, and cultural bias that exists in his/her own community of interest to understand deviancy as innovation and the roots of all this. References Eitzen, D. S.   Phi Delta Kappan. April 1992.   â€Å"Problem Students: The Sociocultural Roots†.   p.587. Mead, G.H. (1918) â€Å"The Psychology of Punitive Justice†, American Journal of Sociology 23: 577-602. National Institute of Justice.   (1999).   â€Å"Research on Women and Girls in the Justice System: Plenary Papers of the 1999 Conference on Criminal Research and Evaluation-Enhancing Policy and Practice Through Research†. Volume 3. Pierce, W.J. Singleton, S.M.   (1995).   â€Å"Improvisation as a concept for understanding and treating violent behavior among African American youthâ€Å". Families in Society. 76(7).   pp.444-450. How to cite Studying Deviance from a Socio-cultural Stance, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

US Intelligence

Research studies have proven that there was no sufficient intelligence applied by the Intelligence community before the advent of the Second World War. Even during the war, intelligence was handled in a casual and uncoordinated manner. According to the Federation of American Scientists (1996, par. 5), there was â€Å"insufficient attention to certain collection requirements†.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on US Intelligence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From the first post, it is evident that the intelligence techniques and methods used during the conflict years were ineffective and hence resulted into numerous failures characterized by surprise attacks. The Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese in 1941 was a clear evidence of a weak national intelligence system of the United States. From the post, it is possible to discern that the Pearl Harbor attack prompted the US to enter a battlefield and declare war against Japan. The US saw the need to establish an effective intelligence system especially in the army and naval forces. Currently, there is â€Å"widespread trend toward incorporating government intelligence methodology into commerce and education† (Krizan 1999, 1). This post highlights that substantial intelligence capabilities were later created by the military to support the war. However, what were these capabilities and how were they effective in the battlefield? This post focuses a lot on the US intelligence during the Second World War and does not adequately discuss Operation Iraqi Freedom even though it had the greatest impact in the development of the United States Intelligence Community (IC) during the early 20th century. In other words, the post concentrates on the issues that affected the intelligence system in the 19th century. Therefore, it is necessary to consider other events such as the US war against Iraq and Afghanistan alongside the impacts of the war on the Intelligence Community. This post admits the fact that intelligence has evolved in various ways since the era of the civil wars to the present time. It is clear that intelligence is â€Å"gaining attention in the twenty-first century† (Breakspear 2013, 682). Before considering how much intelligence is required to guard a nation, it is worth to examine its necessity. The post highlights that intelligence crisis is over. However, how are we certain that the crisis has ended? Does it imply that the end of the Second World War was an indicator that the intelligence crisis ended? We are still facing myriads of security threats within the global society (Johnson 2005, 116).Advertising Looking for critical writing on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is true that the US has adopted an isolation approach to respond to international matters? Nonetheless, the approach seems not to be helpful to the In telligence Community. It could be factual that the Pearl Harbor attack was significant in the development of intelligence system. However, it does insinuate that previous attacks were not destructive. Moreover, if the harbor attack had gross effects on Intelligence, then there is need to expound them in details. Historical records show that the US first entered into war with Iraq in 1991 to drive its militias out of Kuwait. The US had to collaborate with NATO allies to achieve the goal. This disqualifies the assumption that the country has embraced an isolation approach to international affairs (Federation of American Scientists 1996, par. 14). This post confirms that there has been little development in intelligence since the end of major world wars and civil crises. Meanwhile, Iraq invaded Kuwait later on and after the US intervention, â€Å"leaders within the Intelligence Community began streamlining their agencies and reorienting toward new missions with a greater focus on tran snational threats† (Federation of American Scientists 1996, par. 15). This means that the operation in Iraq was one of the remarkable events that immensely affected the US Intelligence Community. References Breakspear, Alan. 2013. â€Å"A New Definition of Intelligence.† Intelligence and National Security 28, no 5 (July), 678-693. Federation of American Scientists. 1996. â€Å"The Evolution of the U.S. Intelligence Community-An Historical Overview.† Last modified February 23, 1996. Accessed from Johnson, Loch. 2005. â€Å"Framework for Strengthening US Intelligence, A.† Yale Journal of International Affairs. 7, no.1 (June): 116-123. Krizan, Lisa. 1999. Intelligence essentials for everyone. Washington DC: Books for Business.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on US Intelligence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This critical writing on US Intelligence was written and submitted by user Emelia H. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

10 Analysis Essay Topics on the Archeological Record

10 Analysis Essay Topics on the Archeological Record While the field of archaeology can sometimes feel bone dry and difficult to write about, you’d be surprised how many interesting things there are to say about the archaeological record. With a little help on which facts to include in your essay writing, you’ll be inspired in no time. In this first guide, we include ten facts on the archaeological record that could be incorporated into an analysis essay, as well as the sources from which these facts are drawn. An essay is only as strong as the facts that it incorporates, so by using this guide you’ll be well on your way to an effective analysis essay. Our second guide outlines 20 topics for an analysis essay on the archaeological record, giving you ideas for how to weave together the facts included below. We also provide a sample essay on the archaeological record in order for you to see a model of how these different topics could be organized into a full analysis essay. Our third and final guide provides a set of instructions and tips for creating an analysis essay on the archaeological record. With help on the actual academic structure of your analysis essay, producing an outline and a full-length essay will come much more easily. So let’s get started! Here are ten verified facts on the archaeological record. The archaeological record includes anything that people have created or modified. This record is used in order to study past cultures and recreate to the best of our ability the lives that people lived in those past cultures and the conditions in which they lived those lives. The knowledge gained from studying the archaeological record gives us the opportunity to appreciate, preserve, and collectively share our common human heritage. The archaeological record, generally speaking, consists of the artifacts, residues, and other general remains of past cultures that have been discovered by archaeologists. More specifically, as is noted by famed archaeology professor Brian Fagan,2 the archaeological record often consists of those things that have been discarded or otherwise abandoned: garbage, scraps, litter, and anything that has been worn out, broken down, or left. Those things that were prized and used heavily often leave no remains. Archaeology attempts to discover past human culture. This refers to the characteristics specific to a particular civilization at a particular time, including the behaviors, beliefs, norms, and living style of that specific social group. The archaeological record cannot discover this directly, and instead represents what is called material culture.1 The material culture of a particular people group, in the absence of written language, is the best approximation we have of the culture of past human societies. As described in a 2013 book by professor Gavin Lucas called Understanding the Archaeological Record,3 there is currently a theoretical divide on how we should consider the truthfulness of the archaeological record. On one side sit the so-called â€Å"naà ¯ve empiricists,† who claim that the archaeological record is constituted purely by those things that have remained from past cultures and is truth given to archaeologists to discover. On the other side sit the â€Å"social constructivists,† who claim that that the archaeological record is a construction that archaeologists have created that may not necessarily represent the truth. As mentioned above, the archaeological record is generally defined as the historical legacy of those material things that people have acted upon. However, as argued in an article by Michael Water and David Kuehn,4 the archaeological record is also shaped by the same forces that act upon the landscape itself. Processes like erosion, severe weather, plate tectonics, natural disasters, and many other geological forces are constantly at work on the information preserved in the archaeological record. The archaeological record is always suspect to contamination and vandalism, whether intentional or accidental. According to an article published online,5 in various Middle Eastern countries it is becoming common practice to loot historically relevant sites and sell those items that are found for profit. Professional looters in the Americas are often referred to as â€Å"pot hunters.† Vandals who take pleasure in destroying valuable things are also in part responsible for the destruction of parts of the archaeological record. As described above, archaeology is best described as the study of the archaeological record. Therefore, any occupation dedicated to understanding the archaeological record falls under the professional heading of â€Å"archaeology.† However, in a quasi-experimental study published by archaeologist Ryan Sneiderman,6 it was demonstrated that a large percentage of people do not understand what archaeologists do, associating their work with fictional characters such as Indiana Jones. Addressing the idea that professional archaeologists do not live the life that characters like Indiana Jones portray in the movies, researchers Amy Ollendorf and Ian Burrow published a review of demographic information on professional archaeologists who joined the Register of Professional Archaeologists.7 Their results demonstrated that Registered Professional Archaeologists granted licensure from the years 2010-2012 included individuals from over 60 different fields of study, and were employed in a variety of different professions falling under the broad categories of private, academic, and government cultural resource management. Given the fragility of the archaeological record described above, archaeologists actively work towards ensuring the safety and preservation of sites that hold parts of the archaeological record. In a 2000 article, William Lipe,8 an anthropologist at Washington State University, argued that the conservation of major archaeological sites is necessary to prevent the illegal excavation and misappropriation of antiquities. Lipe argued that laws and governing bodies should be put in place to balance the economic interests that incentivize the destruction of sites central to the archaeological record. The artifacts and materials that represent the archaeological record differ widely on their age, location, size, and state of preservation. Different branches of archaeology are necessary for dealing with different parts of the archaeological record. Each branch may utilize different research techniques, may take interest in different time periods, and may represent different groups of scholars and archaeology professionals. These branches include prehistoric archaeologists, historical archaeologists, industrial archaeologists, ethno archaeologists, environmental archaeologists, experimental archaeologists, underwater archaeologists, and other branches defined by a particular time period.1 We hope these facts help you nail your assignment. Make sure to also check our guide on how to write an analysis essay on the archaeological record. References: Education Department, AIA (n.d.). Archaeology 101. Retrieved October 30, 2016, from Fagan, B. M. (1994).  Quest for the Past: Great Discoveries in Archaeology. Waveland Press Inc. Lucas, Gavin. (2012). Understanding the Archaelogical Record. Cambridge University Press. Waters, M. R., Kuehn, D. D. (1996). The Geoarchaeology of Place: The Effect of Geological Processes on the Preservation and Interpretation of the Archaeological Record.  American Antiquity, 483-497. Ojibwa, B. (2015, January 11). The Archaeological Record. Retrieved October 31, 2016, from Seidemann, R. M. (2013). Maybe Indiana Jones Isn’t So Bad After All.  SAA Archaeological Record, 23. Ollendorf, A. L., Burrow, I. C. (2013). The Register of Professional Archaologists.  SAA Archaeological record, 40. Lipe, William D. (2000). Conserving the In Situ Archaeological Record. Conservation: The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter 15(1):17-20.

Monday, March 2, 2020

What Implicit Bias Means and How It Affects Behavior

What Implicit Bias Means and How It Affects Behavior An implicit bias is any unconsciously-held set of associations about  a social group. Implicit biases can  result in the attribution of particular qualities to all individuals from that group, also known as stereotyping. Implicit biases are the product of learned associations and social conditioning. They often  begin at a young age, and most people are unaware that they hold them. Importantly, these biases do not necessarily align with personal identity. Its possible to unconsciously associate positive or negative  traits with one’s own race, gender, or background. The Implicit Association Test Social psychologists Mahzarin Banaji and Tony Greenwald first coined the term implicit bias in the 1990s. In 1995, they published their theory of implicit social cognition, which asserted that  individuals social behavior and biases are largely related to unconscious, or implicit, judgments. The term grew in popularity in 1998, when Banaji and Greenwald developed the well-known Implicit Association Test (IAT) to confirm their hypothesis. The IAT test assessed the strength of unconscious biases through a computer program. Subjects were asked to observe a screen that displayed a  series of faces from different racial backgrounds and a series of positive and negative words. Researchers told the subjects to click on the positive words when they saw a face from racial background X, and the negative words when they saw a face from racial background Y. Then, they reversed the association and had subjects repeat the process.   The researchers argued that clicking more quickly meant that the subject had a greater unconscious association. In other words, quickly clicking happy when viewing a certain face meant that the individual had a close unconscious association between the positive trait and the race. A slower click time means that the individual had more difficulty associating that the positive trait with the race. Over time, the IAT has been replicated successfully in multiple subsequent trials, demonstrating its efficacy in proving implicit bias. In addition to racial bias, the test has also been used successfully to assess implicit bias related to gender and sexual orientation. Effects of Implicit Bias Holding an implicit bias towards a particular social group can determine how you treat an individual from that group.  Implicit biases affect human behavior  throughout society, including in classrooms, workplaces, and the legal system. Effects in the Classroom Implicit bias  affects how teachers treat students in the classroom. Research conducted by the Yale Child Study Center found that black children, particularly black boys, are more likely to be expelled and suspended from preschool for challenging behavior than white children. The research also found that, when primed to look for such challenging behavior, teachers tended to look longer at black children, particularly boys. The results suggested that implicit racial bias affects educational access and achievement in the classroom. Implicit bias results in an effect called stereotype threat, which occurs when  an individual internalizes negative stereotypes about a group to which they belong. Researchers demonstrated this effect through a standardized test study. Black and white college students with similar SAT scores were given a 30-minute college-level standardized test. Half of the students were told that the test measured intelligence, while the other group was told that the test was a problem-solving activity that did not correspond to ability. In the first group, black students performed less well than their white peers; in the second group, black students performance was equal to that of their white peers. The researchers concluded that the first group had been affected by stereotype threat when the researchers stated that the test measured intelligence. Similar results have also been found when comparing female and male performance on math exams. Effects in the Workplace Although explicit forms of workplace discrimination are banned in most developed countries, implicit bias plays a significant role in the professional world. Studies have shown that identical resumes  receive a different number of callbacks depending on the name at the top of the document. Across all industries, resumes with a name commonly associated with black individuals received fewer callbacks than those with names associated with white individuals.  Comparable implicit bias has also been shown in relation to gender and age. Effects in the Legal System Implicit bias has a significant impact on the legal system. Evidence suggests that black defendants are more likely to be treated harshly in the courtroom than white defendants. Prosecutors are more likely to charge black defendants and less likely to offer them plea bargains. Plea bargains offered to white defendants tend to be more generous than those offered to black or Latino defendants. Furthermore, juries are more likely to exhibit bias against defendants of a race different from the racial background of the majority of the jury. IAT tests have shown implicit associations between the words black and guilty. Implicit Bias vs. Racism Implicit bias and racism are related concepts, but they do not have the same meaning. Implicit bias is an unconsciously held set of associations about a particular group. Racism is prejudice against individuals from a specific racial group and can be either explicit or implicit. Implicit bias can lead to implicitly racist behavior, like when a teacher disciplines black children more harshly than white children, but many individuals harbor implicit biases without ever displaying overt racism. By becoming aware of our own implicit biases and actively resisting them, we can avoid perpetuating harmful racist stereotypes and prejudices.   Sources Anselmi, Pasquale, et al. â€Å"Implicit Sexual Attitude of Heterosexual, Gay and Bisexual Individuals: Disentangling the Contribution of Specific Associations to the Overall Measure.† PLoS ONE, vol. 8, no. 11, 2013, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078990.Correll, Shelley, and Stephen Benard. â€Å"Gender and Racial Bias in Hiring.† Penn Office of the Provost, University of Pennsylvania, 21 Mar. 2006,, Anthony G, et al. â€Å"Measuring Individual Differences in Implicit Cognition: The Implicit Association Test.† Journal of Personality and Soclal Psychology, vol. 74, no. 6, 1998, pp. 1464–1480.,â€Å"How The Concept Of Implicit Bias Came Into Being.† NPR, National Public Radio, Inc., 17 Oct. 2016,, Jerry Bennett, Mark Carbado , Devon Casey, Pamela Dasgupta, Nilanjana Faigman, David D. Godsil, Rachel G. Greenwald, Anthony Levinson, Justin Mnookin, Jennifer.. â€Å"Implicit Bias in the Courtroom.† UCLA Law Review, vol 59, no. 5, February 2012, pp. 1124-1186. ResearchGate, Payne, Keith. â€Å"How to Think about ‘Implicit Bias.’† Scientific American, Macmillan Publishers Ltd, 27 Mar. 2018,â€Å"Stereotype Threat Widens Achievement Gap.† American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, 15 July 2006,, Michael J., and Gwendolen B. White. â€Å"Implicit and Explicit Occupational Gender Stereotypes.† Sex Roles, vol. 55, no. 3-4, Aug. 2006, pp. 259–266., doi:10.1007/s11199-006-9078-z.Wittenbrink, Bernd, et al. â€Å"Evidence for Racial Prejudice at the Implicit Level and Its Relationship with Questionnaire Measures.† Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 72, no. 2, Feb. 1997, pp. 262–274. PsychInfo, American Psychological Association,, Yolanda. â€Å"Teachers Implicit Bias against Black St udents Starts in Preschool, Study Finds.† The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 4 Oct. 2016, Guardian Media Group

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Discuss the female action heroine in 2-3 Hong Kong films. To what Essay

Discuss the female action heroine in 2-3 Hong Kong films. To what extent does she transgress conventional gender roles and to w - Essay Example Besides, the unique socio-cultural and political setting of Honk Kong deeply influences the foretold difference in gender roles. Thesis statement: The female action heroine in Hong Kong films transgresses conventional gender roles and does not simply conform to male fantasies (Special references to the star Brigitte Lin in the Hong Kong films: Swordsman II, Ashes of Time, Bride with White Hair). Prominence of women actors in Hong Kong action cinema The prominence of women actors in Hong Kong action cinema challenges the conventional mode of masculine power vested upon male actors. Kar, Bren and Ho (2004, p.109) state that ‘Historians of early Chinese cinema often regard Hong Kong as a cultural â€Å"branch† of the more sophisticated Shanghai’. An alternative version of masculinity can be seen among women actors in Hong Kong action cinema. Pang and Wong (2005, p. 137) state that ‘The ideological implications of masculinity can be radically re-examined by not simply looking at men exclusively but also mapping and recognizing the culture of a certain female type’. Within this perspective, masculinity is not fully vested upon male. Instead, masculinity is expressed through the search for one’s identity, especially by the female heroine. 1. Transvestite/Cross-dressing in Chinese (Hong Kong) films Transvestite/Cross-dressing in Chinese (Hong Kong) films creates sexual ambiguity and transforms gender identity from hero to heroine and vice versa. One can easily identify that cross-dressing in Chinese Operas deeply influenced the same process in films, especially the Hong Kong films. Vojkovic (2009, p. 43) states that ‘Here, we also have to consider the fact that Kung fu comedy as a genre makes much less of an appeal to authenticity, reminding us also that Kung fu comedy draws its origins from Beijing Opera’. Besides, cross-dressing indirectly challenges male primacy and patriarchy in the Chinese society. Generally, c ross-dressing helps the female heroine to hide her biological gender but the same will be exposed in front of the audience in the final unmasking scene. Garber (1997, p.45) makes clear that ‘Women who cross-dress must fall into two categories: the occasional, recreational cross-dresser who does not wish or try to pass and the transsexual’. Within the context of Chinese (Hong Kong) films, cross-dressing (assuming gender codes) lead to transvestism (transformation to opposite sex). In short, the Chinese (Hong Kong) films make use of cross-dressing as an innovative tool to challenge the hierarchy of power. 2. Transsexual/ Swordswomen in Chinese (Hong Kong) films The transsexual/ swordswomen in Chinese (Hong Kong) films are capable to demonstrate skill similar to their counterparts. But these transsexual/ swordswomen are not portrayed as independent warriors because they are attached to their male counterparts. Hunt (2003, pp.117-118) states that ‘But as Asian audienc es and critics were well aware, women warriors are nothing new in Chinese storytelling and have a much longer history than their western counterparts’. The unique socio-cultural and political setting within China, especially in Hong Kong unveils the feminine side of transsexual/ swordswomen. For instance, womenfolk in Chinese society uphold traditional

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Personal reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Personal reflection - Essay Example There is much reason that explain the perpetual social problem among coffee farmers. One of the main problem is the existent of middlemen in the coffee market (Francis). They buy coffee at a low price and sell at super profit. In addition, the coffee market is controlled by a few multinational companies that dictate the prices of coffee (Francis). For this reason, the farmer has no power to control the market, but they are reduced as price takers. And because the coffee multinational want to maximise their gain they buy coffee seeds at low price to the disadvantage of coffee farmers. This explains the perpetual circle of poverty among Ethiopian and other African countries that grow coffee (Francis). And because lack of hope in controlling the poor prices of coffee, the farmers are turning to chat farming because it attracts better prices in the local market. They argue that the only way out of poverty is to abandon coffee for other lucrative

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Revolution :: essays research papers

The Revolutions of 1848 were a series of political and economic revolts that took place in Europe because of a recession and abuse of political power. The participants in the revolutions were the Poles, Danes, Germans, Italians, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovaks, Hungarians, Croats, and the Romanians. The Revolutions of 1848 did change that countries government but the changes didn't last long. Although the changes didn't last long the revolutions did demonstrate that people could undermine the government, and create liberalism & socialism. The Revolutions first started out in France 1848 where the people wanted universal suffrage which was led by Louis Blanc. King Louis Philippe was overthrown and Louis Blanc's revolution established the second republic. The February revolution in France gave ideas to other countries in Europe which in turn started other revolutions. The February revolution in France also gave to Liberals in the German states the idea to make a proposal for a unified German country with a national parliament. But the old order was restored because the provisional government couldn't decide on a constitution for the new government. The Italian states of Europe also had a revolution which made Pope Pius IX flee Italy. This gave a leader of unification, Gieuseppe Mazzini the chance to unify Italy. This plot of Mazzini was a failure because of the Italians overwhelming protectiveness of their independence. Within the Austrian Empire there was increased Nationalism among the Czechs, Hungarians, Germans, and other groups. This increased Nationalism in March of 1848 led to riots and the

Friday, January 17, 2020

Adult Education

.Democracy without education is meaningless. It is education and not freedom that makes a nation great but the situation as prevailing in our country in this respect is not only distressing but disgraceful. â€Å"A state may pass a law, making education compulsory but unless people accept such laws, no state can enforce them by military or police measures. National security depends upon the education of citizens, their knowledge of affairs, their character and sense of discipline and their ability to participate effectively in security measures So â€Å"Adult education is thus the foundation on which alone free India can build up a welfare state which will recognize the claim of both individual freedom and social security. To begin with, it waslimited to the teaching of literacy that is teaching illiterate adults how to read & write. With the passage of times merely literacy was considered insufficient. The concept of adult education was enlarged to include the knowledge of certain useful subjects such as hygiene, civics and the problems of every day life. A new concept emerged i. e. the concept of ‘Social education'. It is to be given on part time basis. The purposes of adult education are, Remedial of self respect, Development of physical health, Vocational development, Development of social skills, Self development and Recreational purposes. From the social point of view the aims of adult education are- Promotion of social cohesion Conservation and Improvement of national resources: i. . ; by creating new awakening among the adults. Building Co-operative groups Inculcation of social ideologyadult education brings a new hope for the illiterates. It widens the intellectual and political horizon of citizens and completes India’s political awakening and sets a new cultural tone. It has to be organized from the basic level itself on part time basis through youth clubs, or ganizations and of course by the govt. the govt should keep at least 2 officers- 1male and 1 female for adult education. It is only then our nation could improve jai hind! Adult Education .Democracy without education is meaningless. It is education and not freedom that makes a nation great but the situation as prevailing in our country in this respect is not only distressing but disgraceful. â€Å"A state may pass a law, making education compulsory but unless people accept such laws, no state can enforce them by military or police measures. National security depends upon the education of citizens, their knowledge of affairs, their character and sense of discipline and their ability to participate effectively in security measures So â€Å"Adult education is thus the foundation on which alone free India can build up a welfare state which will recognize the claim of both individual freedom and social security. To begin with, it waslimited to the teaching of literacy that is teaching illiterate adults how to read & write. With the passage of times merely literacy was considered insufficient. The concept of adult education was enlarged to include the knowledge of certain useful subjects such as hygiene, civics and the problems of every day life. A new concept emerged i. e. the concept of ‘Social education'. It is to be given on part time basis. The purposes of adult education are, Remedial of self respect, Development of physical health, Vocational development, Development of social skills, Self development and Recreational purposes. From the social point of view the aims of adult education are- Promotion of social cohesion Conservation and Improvement of national resources: i. . ; by creating new awakening among the adults. Building Co-operative groups Inculcation of social ideologyadult education brings a new hope for the illiterates. It widens the intellectual and political horizon of citizens and completes India’s political awakening and sets a new cultural tone. It has to be organized from the basic level itself on part time basis through youth clubs, or ganizations and of course by the govt. the govt should keep at least 2 officers- 1male and 1 female for adult education. It is only then our nation could improve jai hind!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Functionalist Perspective On Gender Inequality - 1100 Words

Functionalist view society like a living organism in which each different part contributes to its survival. (R. Schaefer page 13) it emphasizes that society is made of various parts and they are all necessary to the functionality and stability of society. The Conflict perspective differs from the functionalist perspective by viewing society as in conflict and constant competition between each other and groups. The interactionist perspective explains society by generalizing social interactions. It views humans as meaningful objects in the word. (R. Schaefer page 16). The Feminist perspective focuses on how gender inequality is key to all behavior. Queer Theory is studying society from the view of multiple different sexual identities. All theses theories and perspectives make different contributions by showing different ways to look at and examine society and behavior as a whole. Media influence would be viewed in different ways from the five different sociology perspectives since the theories all contribute to the understanding of society and social life in different ways. The influence of media in our society is very important since it can easily determine the viewers and the public’s opinion on various topics and issues in today’s world. Functionalist would explain the issue of media influence by considering it something that contributes to a society. The Conflict perspective would explain the influence of media in a very different way then the functionalist would.Show MoreRelatedGender Inequality According to Functionalist and Marxist Feminist Perspective900 Words   |  4 PagesContrary to popular believe, gender is referred to the attitudes, behaviours and emotions linked with a specific sexual group. There are two dominant perspectives that illustrate two different viewpoints of gender inequality. The functionalist perspective, by Talcott Parsons, believed that both men and women possess specific qualities that make them excellent at specific events, and these qualities are not interchangeable (Brym, 2014). The Marxist-Feminist perspective; however, viewed qualities forRead MoreWest With The Night By Markham Essay1326 Words   |  6 Pagesoppressed, it’s tradition.†Ã¢â‚¬â€Letty Cottin Pogrebin Gender inequality—a social problem that has been an issue in society for more than fifty years, refers to the unequal treatment of individuals based on their gender. Though the definition of gender inequality applies to the mistreatment of either gender, gender inequality has been a social problem targeted towards women; infamously for many years. The questioning of which sociologic perspective theories would apply to the seeking of a solution ofRead MoreThe Perspective On Income And Privilege Essay985 Words   |  4 PagesI agree with the interactionist perspective. Certain races or ethnicities are advantageous when obtaining power and privilege. For example, White households have a higher income than non-White Hispanics or Blacks. The data provided on page 82 illustrates the income gap, â€Å"Black household had the lowest median income in 2013 ($34,598), non- Hispanic White households ($58,270). Median income for Hispanic households was $40,963† (Leon-Guerrero 2016) . This data obtained from the U.S. Census reveals thereRead MoreGender Inequalities Of Workforce And Gender Inequality1594 Words   |  7 PagesSociology 101 February 1 2017 Gender Inequalities in Workforce Over the years it has become evident that women face far more significant barriers in the workforce than men do. A clear representation of this barrier is established by the gender pay gap, which is the difference in monetary amount received between a woman s and a man s average weekly earnings. The economy, as a social institution, is affected by gender and sex inequality. The idea of inequality in the workplace is central to explainingRead MoreWhy Race and Gender Inequality Still Exist1101 Words   |  4 Pagescenturies ago, but inequalities between gender and race continue to exist. To analyze why gender and racial inequalities prevail, human capital theory and functionalism take into account cultural, historical, and economic factors. In my opinion, the human capital theory presents a more persuasive reason. Although race and gender inequalities in the United States have diminished in the past few centuries, many aspects of these inequalities still persist today. Race and gender inequalities are covert, andRead MoreThe Realities of Social Inequalities1658 Words   |  7 Pages(Pew Research 2012). Additionally, the so-labeled â€Å"Free World,† is often depicted as one that promotes equality. However, complete gender equality, like other ideals the US holds dear, are not fully practiced within society. It is widely said that â€Å"females make 75 cents to their male counterparts dollar† (Hegewisch, Williams 2013). The subject of societal inequalities has provoked great debate and consequently been approached by a number theories to explain, and at times justify, the realities weRead MoreMax Durkheim And Weber Summary1032 Words   |  5 Pagespassed their legacy of knowledge to the current generation to help respond to many social issues especially, gender inequality, socia l stratification, and race/ethnic inequalities. Conflict theory promotes the main idea of class conflict. It is the theory that was originated by Karl Marx which focuses on a macro level of social organization, illustrates the primary outline of social inequality, emphasizes on how dominated group preserves their privileges while subordinated group faces a hardship tryingRead MoreWhy Is It A Social Problem And Not A Personal Problem Essay939 Words   |  4 Pages The gender age gap is a social problem since it affects a majority of the society and that it affects not only one’s life but also society in which the gender gap is present depending on the extent of this gap. For example, the average Canadian women owns only 82 cents for every dollar the average men make based on a weekly salary comparison and full and partial time shifts (†¦). This affects life considerably of the individuals and families since, according to the (†¦) research, the gender wage gapRead MoreSociology and Socialization Essay891 Words   |  4 Pagesmajor sociological perspectives, symbolic interactionism has probably developed the most detailed theory of socialization, Haralambos, Holborn. Sociology - Themes and Perspectives.[2008]. In the socialization process, there are several factors which may affect a childs behavior. In relation to the term socialization, there are some sociologists who argue the theme nature versus nurture. Culture, religion, education, gender roles and theRead MoreSociological Perspectives On The Sociological Perspective1178 Words   |  5 PagesThe Sociological Perspective is a behavior that connects one with society. As written in the textbook Society the Basics, sociological perspective is also defined as â€Å"seeing the general in the particular† (Berger, 1963). A major part of being a sociologist is finding patterns in everyday life. As an ordinary person, finding patterns is almost a natural instinct. Every individual falls into a category, whether how unique they claim to be. Individuals can be categorized by race, class, sexual orientation